Thursday, July 16, 2009


the idea of rebirth is amazing right?

the answer is obviously yes.

but there's this catch that has made me feel a little heartbroken lately. okay, so it's not a catch. it's not like Jesus is trying to trap us or anything. it's just the sad reality of what the world is made up of.

so now i've thoroughly confused you and i should explain myself. with rebirth comes the relationship of new brothers and sisters in Christ. that means - essentially, that i have numerous brothers and sisters out there suffering. suffering from AIDs, cancer, homelessness, broken families, abuse, malnourishment, etc.

i would never ever want to see my blood family suffer and more so why would i want to allow my brothers and sisters in Christ suffer either? it just makes me feel like i need to be doing SO much more in this life - to cure the world of its evils.

combined we can do it. we can cure the the world of its evils with the power of Jesus Christ. He makes it possible for us.

i have a question though. when you hear the word "we" who is that to you? do you identify the we as we americans or we hoosiers or we women or do you first think we Christians? of course in the context that i used it i would hope you thought we Christians. but i mean EVERY single time you hear it.

because first and foremost we in your heart should be Christians. this is something i'm working towards.

speaking of people it is another goal of mine to stop look "at" people and to start looking "into" them. to fully know them. to no longer judge them. to love them and to hear their story.

so many times we look past people (okay sorry that was a vast generalization) I look past someone for what they are on their exterior, rather than digging deeper and finding out who they truly are.

we all should be doing this - looking into people - looking for the Jesus within them.

it's sad that at the age of 21 i'm coming to this conclusion when i can clearly remember the lesson of not judging a book by its cover in preschool. you learn all the important stuff then don't you?

truly, we should be able to see a little of ourselves in everyone else because we are all born in Christ.

as Henri Nouwen puts it, "In the face of the oppressed I recognize my own face, and in the hands of the oppressor I recognize my own hands. Their flesh is my flesh, their blood is my blood, their pain is my pain, their smile is my smile."

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